ATO Setup

Support to set up an approved training organisation

Make expert knowledge, experiences and best practices your key investment for establishing a successful ATO


An efficient and effective ATO has to comply with international standards

Any Approved Training Organisation has to follow the national standards set by the competent civil aviation authority within the country the organisation is operating. In addition, many ATOs are also eager to comply with rule of the dominating aviation authorities EASA and FAA, meaning that there is a lot of bureaucracy to be dealt with.

Nevertheless, ATO shall offer their service in a profitable way and there is a lot of best practices available to help newcomers launch their business or improve performance for well-established legacy training organisations.

Here are some areas, where you might need support:


Make use of the expertise available to elevate your business

Hundreds of ATOs are established worldwide and just as airlines, those training organisations do have a different focus depending on the individual business model. Our expertise will help you to:


From 0 to 100 in minimum time

Substantial effort needs to be invested in order to establish an ATO. Make use of expertise available and you will reach your goals on the fast track. Your obvious benefits are: